
Scaretape - Typical Applications

Scaretape on concrete

The surface of untreated concrete is too rough. Therefore we recommend to use an additional support plate.

Scaretape on a cage

On a cage at a golf court in Florida, scaretape is installed for bird control - directly on top of the timber frame.

Scaretape on a copper roof of a church

Scaretape was installed on top of this copper roof - also on the roof ridge.

Scaretape on wood

On this wooden structure, scaretape was applied to the edge only. The surface of the wood is treated.

Scaretape on row of windows

Installing scaretape on this row of windows is easy and effective. A solar panel feeds in electricity.

Scaretape on marble

For this high-grade real estate, scaretape is the perfect solution, because of its high adhesive power on marble and its discreet translucent profile.

Scaretape on pipes

Also for dusty environments, scaretape is an excellent solution - as these pipes proof.

Scaretape on sign letters

Scaretape can be adjusted to round structures very well - as done here on these sign letters.

Scaretape on tiles

Directly applied onto tiles, scaretape is protecting the roof from birds very well. Its flexible profile can adjust to tiles easily.


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